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Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 07, 2021 1:05 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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“No! Don’t do- Get off!”

The pokémon clung to his back, his weight putting Nero off balance. One hand was placed against the wall for support, the other awkwardly positioned above his head in a failed attempt to chase Cleo away. His hand found his target and he began pushing against the pokémons head. A loud and above all agitated shriek rang in his ears, too loud to be comfortable. “You’re too heavy, I won’t make it five meters with you grumpigbacking me,” the young man complained.

Something slapped against his hand, sending a wave of pain through it. Quickly he pulled back, not wanting to get stabbed, and rubbed his hand where his skin was turning red. Angrily he glared over his shoulder where he could barely see the purple silhouette of his Gligar.
With a defeated sigh, he looked at the street before him. There was no way he would make it out of town with this thing on his back. The weight was already causing great discomfort.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 07, 2021 1:47 pm
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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@ Nestor
I've lost myself in make-believe
Hij was al een tijdje stilletjes aan het rondlopen door Jubilife City, hopend om deze beter te leren kennen aangezien dit wel een beetje de grote showbiz stad van Sinnoh leek te zijn. Vol nieuwsgierigheid observeerde Tyson zijn omgeving. Dat grote gebouw daar zou vast de hal zijn waar alle contests en shows gehouden werden. Terwijl hij met grote ogen naar de gebouwen langs de weg keek, botste hij bijna op tegen een persoon die voor hem liep. Gelukkig wist hij de botsing te vermijden door een stapje terug te doen. Vervolgens ging zijn blik naar het paarse ding op de rug van de kerel waar hij bijna tegenaan gebotst was. Was dat een Pokémon? Of was het een rugzak? Nee, het was toch wel een levende Pokémon, en degene waar die Pokémon tegenaan zat leek dit niet zo prettig te vinden. Misschien moest hij proberen te helpen? Maar hij kende deze vreemdeling niet, dus het zou waarschijnlijk wel een awkward situatie worden... Maar toch leek de kerel waar deze paarse pokémon zich aan vastgeklampt had niet bepaald vrolijk te zijn.

Tyson stapte iets naar voren zodat hij langs de man met de pokémon op z'n rug liep. "Hulp nodig?" Vroeg hij op een vriendelijke toon, hopend dat hij de grumpy lichaamstaal van de ander goed ingeschat had.
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 07, 2021 2:47 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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He was too occupied with his disobedient pokémon that he didn't even notice someone nearly walking against him. The pokémon, on the other hand, did and she shot the stranger an angry glare. As Nestor heard a voice, he awkwardly turned around until he saw the young man.
Relief washed over him when he was asked if he needed help. “Yes please, she doesn’t want-” Nestor clenched his jaw at the loud noise that once again came from the pokémon on his back, interrupting him. How could such a horrible sound come out of a pokémon? Clearly, Cleo had other plans, and being interrupted by a stranger was not one of them. “If you can, then yes,” he said instead, the words quickly leaving his mouth as he looked at the stranger with pleading eyes. This was not the first time Cleo had done this, but the first time she was this stubborn.

He gestured at his back. “Maybe, if you can get to my actual backpack, you can grab her pokéball.” There was only one problem, reaching the backpack might prove to be a difficult task as the Gligar was currently on top of it. He could feel the grip of her pincers tighten on his back as if she understood what he was saying.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 07, 2021 5:37 pm
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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@ Nestor
I've lost myself in make-believe
Het leek er inderdaad op dat deze man hulp nodig had, maar helaas maakte dee Pokémon op de rug van deze vreemdeling een luid en behoorlijk irritant geluid zodra hij begon te praten. Tyson bedekte zijn oren tot het over leek te zijn. Oké, probleem duidelijk. Hij knikte als teken van dat hij het begrepen had, en begon met het proberen om de paarse pokémon van deze man zijn rug af te halen.

Eerst wilde hij het proberen met een beetje grof geweld, gewoon de gligar vastpakken en weg proberen te trekken, maar zodra hij de stekel op haar staart zag was dat plan geannuleerd. Tyson wist niet wat voor stekel het was maar gezien de kleuren van deze pokémon had hij zo'n vermoeden dat ze giftig was. Hmm, hoe kon hij verder nog helpen? Zijn eigen pokémon zouden niet veel nut hebben in deze situatie, tenminste zo dacht Tyson er momenteel over. In ieder geval moest hij toch met zijn armen en handen bij de pokémon in de buurt komen als hij haar los wilde halen.

Misschien kon hij de staart proberen vast te pakken met één hand en zo proberen te vermijden dat hij gestoken werd als hij bij de rugzak wilde komen met z'n andere hand? Klonk als een plan. Hij greep naar de staart, hopend dat deze niet ineens zou zwiepen om hem te steken. Maar ja, een beetje risico moest genomen worden, toch?
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 07, 2021 6:06 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Cleo hated being touched, even by her own trainer. It was even worse when others tried to do so and Nestor probably should’ve warned the young stranger. No matter how cuddly some were, they were also dangerous when they wanted to be. One of her pincers let go of him as soon as the stranger caught her tail. She lashed out towards him, luckily for him, not meant to harm but only as a warning.

This all happened while Nestor could only feel the pokémon moving on his back, making it more difficult for him to stand upright. A hand was placed against the wall for support. “Is it working?” he asked while doing his best to look over his shoulder. Cleo was still on his back, so he could already guess what the answer might be.

This was not going to work, but maybe if he had something to distract her with, it could keep her attention away from the young stranger. “Do you have some food with you? Or a berry? Anything to keep her occupied?” In this state, there wasn’t much he could do, but waving something in front of her face and distracting her, was possible.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - do apr 08, 2021 8:59 am
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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@ Nestor
I've lost myself in make-believe
De gligar haalde met een klauw uit richting Tyson zodra hij haar staart vastgreep, waardoor Tyson de staart meteen weer losliet. Oké, de staart aanraken was dus geen goed idee. Toen kwam de man aan wie de paarse pokémon vastzat met de suggestie om haar wat eten te geven als afleiding. "Goed idee," zei Tyson. Vervolgens haalde hij zijn eigen rugzak van zijn rug en begon hij door de inhoud te graaien. Hij had vast wel iets eetbaars bij zich, hij  wist het bijna zeker. Helaas leek de inhoud van zijn rugtas wat karig te zijn als het op eten aankwam. Hij vond een beschimmelde boterham in een plastic zakje, ew. Hij vertelde zichzelf in gedachten dat hij die straks weg zou moeten gooien, hopelijk zou hij daar dan ook aan denken. "Ah, ik heb iets!" Hij haalde een nog verpakt snackworstje tevoorschijn en begon deze uit te verpakking te halen. Vervolgens probeerde hij deze voor het gezicht van de gligar te houden en wiebelde er een beetje mee om haar aandacht te trekken. Hopelijk hield ze van salami.
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - do apr 08, 2021 4:46 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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If he was patient enough, the pokémon would leave on her own freewill but his back wouldn’t survive this for much longer. “Sorry,” he apologised for his pokémon’s behavior. This stranger was kind enough to help him and he wouldn’t want him to get hurt as a result of his kindness. Using something to distract Cleo with was his last idea and if that didn’t work, he could only wait.
Nestor looked at the young man who was trying to find something they could use, and when he found some food he could only smile. This might work. Hopefully.  “Let’s pray it will work,” he breathed.

Cleo eyed the snack that was held by the annoying new human. First, he attacked her tail with his small human hands, and now he was- what was he doing? Trying to pretend he was prey?  Whatever it was, it smelled great. Without thinking twice, she jumped forward and took the snack between her teeth before flying off. She landed on a roof not far away where she started to eat.

A relieved sigh escaped his mouth when the weight was finally removed from his back. "Thank Arceus.” Nestor placed two hands against his back and stretched, resulting in a loud crack coming from his spine.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - za apr 10, 2021 10:31 am
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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draw the curtains, take the stage
smoke and mirrors underway
Oh hey, blijkbaar hield deze gligar van salami. Tyson moest wel opletten voor zijn vingers toen de pokémon de salami snack pakte met een klauw, maar uiteindelijk kwam alles goed. Alleen zat de gligar nu wel op het dak van een nabijgelegen gebouw, maar ja dat was hopelijk niet zijn probleem. De man bij wie de pokémon op de rug gezeten had klonk erg opgelucht dat dit voorbij was. "Alles oké verder?" vroeg hij. Nou, in ieder geval had hij zeker een goede daad verricht waardoor anderen misschien zijn naam zouden kennen. Wacht, hij had deze kerel zijn naam helemaal nog niet verteld! En om zich nu zomaar te gaan introduceren leek hem ook wat awkward.
notes go here uwu
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - di apr 13, 2021 2:37 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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From where he was standing, he kept eyeing his pokémon who was still on the roof. She would probably not come down on her own accord as she never did what he wanted her to do.
A sigh rolled over his lips as he turned around to the stranger. “Is there anything I can do to thank you?” he asked the stranger. Nothing bad had happened, but it could have gone a lot worse. The least he could do was properly thank him. “You want something to drink or eat?”  There was probably something nearby where they could go and after what happened, he wouldn’t mind sitting down for a few minutes.

To his surprise, Cleo flew towards them, but this time she landed on the ground. With one of her pincers, she was holding the plastic from the snack she’d eaten and held it towards the stranger. “I think she wants more,” Nestor sighed which resulted in Cleo angrily looking at him.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - do apr 15, 2021 11:44 am
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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draw the curtains, take the stage
smoke and mirrors underway
De andere trainer vroeg hoe hij Tyson kon bedanken, en bood hem vervolgens aan om samen ergens wat te gaan eten of drinken als bedankje. Tyson stond op het moment om daarmee in te stemmen toen de gligar weer van het dak af kwam. De pokémon vloog door de lucht en landde op de grond voor Tyson, waarna haar trainer liet weten dat ze waarschijnlijk meer wilde. "Oh- umm.." Tyson nam de lege verpakking van de salamisnack terug, die zou hij later tegelijkertijd met die beschimmelde boterham van daarnet ergens bij het afval moeten gooien. Hij keek ook even in zijn tas, maar vond zo snel niks anders dat hij aan de gligar zou willen geven. "Ik denk niet dat ik nog iets heb, sorry." Hopelijk zou de pokémon niet boos op hem worden.
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - za apr 17, 2021 9:19 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Cleo shot the boy an angry glare after he said that he was all out of food. Nestor could only shake his head at that. That pokémon had some serious problems, at least she was making no attempt of hurting the stranger. Instead she went back towards a roof and continued staring. “She is a stranger creature,” he told the man with a sigh. Calling her strange was not doing her any justice, but he didn’t know how else to call her behavior.
Nestor grabbed her pokéball, knowing that she wouldn’t follow him otherwise and he had to thank this stranger. “Oh right, my name is Nestor, thanks again for the help,” he said to him and held out a hand. “So, are you hungry?” He didn’t know how much money he had on his person, but it should be enough to pay for both of them.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - wo apr 21, 2021 11:53 am
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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draw the curtains, take the stage
smoke and mirrors underway
Nestor, dat was de naam waaronder de man die hij zojuist geholpen had zich introduceerde. Vervolgens vroeg Nestor aan hem of hij nog zin had in iets te eten. "Sure," was het antwoord van de coördinator. Eerlijk gezegd wist Tyson niet hoeveel honger hij had, maar hij wilde dit aanbod eigenlijk ook weer niet afwijzen. Iets lekkers ging er toch altijd wel in. Hij had nu misschien één salamisnack minder in zijn tas, maar zo veel hield hij ook weer niet van salami dus dat zou wel goed komen. "Had je een specifieke plek in gedachten? Want ik ken deze stad niet echt." Tyson wist niet zo goed naar wat voor eetgelegenheid Nestor toe wilde maar er zou vast wel ergens een friettent of zo zijn, iedere stad had er minstens eentje, de meeste steden zelfs meer. Maar wie weet had Nestor een beter idee dan friet en zo, al was een friet speciaal of een broodje kroket altijd wel lekker.

@Nestor Greaves
food? owo
Re: Get off my back | Tyson - vr apr 23, 2021 10:31 am
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Repaying the young for his help was the least that he could do. After all, all this could’ve gone a lot worse.
Nestor grabbed Cleo’s pokébal and let her return. The look on her face as she disappeared showed that she was not happy with his decision, but she left him no other choice. He didn’t want to spend any more time on her for now.
The young man told him he didn’t know the town very well and for a moment Nestor let his shoulders hang as he looked around. “Neither do I,” he confessed. There has to be something around here where they could eat something? Even a simple ice cream would do. “Anything special you want?” his yellow eyes went back towards the other. Nestor decided to already start walking as he looked around for a place they could eat something.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Get off my back | Tyson - zo mei 02, 2021 11:30 am
Tyson Brown
Tyson Brown

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Get off my back | Tyson BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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draw the curtains, take the stage
smoke and mirrors underway
"Anything special you want?" Nestor asked. Tyson shrugged in response while following the other man. "Not really," he answered, looking around as well. While following Nestor, he wondered about why that gligar behaved like that, clinging to someone's back and potentially hurting them. Tyson quietly shook his head, he wasn't going to ask Nestor about this even though he was curious. His gaze fell on a little ice cream shop up ahead, they could probably go eat something over there. "Maybe we could go get some ice cream over there?" he asked Nestor, pointing at the sign outside the shop with a small smile on his face.

@Nestor Greaves
surprise! it's a post in English
Gesponsorde inhoud



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