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Alain Bijoux - di okt 19, 2021 6:01 pm
Alain Bijoux
Alain Bijoux

Gender: Male ♂
Age: 22
Rank: 4

Alain Bijoux 2lyhc8o
Give me a few days of peace in your arms— It's all I need. After that, I can face the world.


Alain Bijoux

Everyone’s the hero in their own story, everyone’s a sucker for the taste of glory.

Full Name Alain Bijoux

Date of Birth19 / 11 / 1999

Place of Birth Sunyshore City

Place of ResidenceSandgem Town

Professor Willow

trainer class trainer

But stories are for children and glory is not a taste I can acquire.

On paper, Alain is an average boy. At an average height of 176 centimeters with a slim build (approximately 53kg), he doesn’t stand out. He has a fair skin with ash blond hair, which is kept short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face. There is a natural black streak in his hair.

He has segmental heterochromia. This means his eyes consist of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow/gold along the bottom curve of his pupil.

Since accepting his sexuality, Alain feels comfortable in his own skin and body and does not care much if he happens to fit the stereotype or not. Outside of work, he tends to wear hoodies, shirts and vests in any possible colour. He might go out completely dressed in black and white one day while rocking a bright yellow sweater the next.

If anything, he comes across as friendly and approachable. Always wearing a bright smile on his face, curious eyes and a non-threatening attitude all around. He might appear nervous or uncomfortable around new people, but will quickly find his place and end up being a friendly, enthusiastic boy that never fully lost his childish charm.

Recent events have created a scar right by his left temple, though it’s not too big and generally hidden by the long lock of hair. Small, barely visible scars also stretch over the back of his hands.

Voice references can be found here and here.

‘Cause it’s tough to be a dreamer when they don’t come true.

Alain is nothing if not empathic. He is an attentive listener who encourages the dreams and aspirations of others. He is attuned to his feelings and wears his heart on his sleeve. Unafraid to show physical affection, he often reassures people by holding their hand or stroking their arm or shoulder.

He is soft-spoken, reflective and observant. As attuned to his own feelings as he is to those of the people around him. Being thoughtful and respectful makes him a great friend and a loving partner. This gentle nature compels others to protect him.

Thinking positively instead of focusing on the negative is what keeps Alain in his signature good mood. He tries to treat others kindly and not to rush life. Where most people suffer from overcommitment and a chronic need to rush, Alain generally enjoys what he does and just tries to make the most of it. Whimsical as ever, he can liven up serious moments with good-natured levity.

Free-spirited and easy to get along with, he enjoys being with people and likes to have fun. He does not like to waste opportunities and isn’t afraid to show his exuberance. Bubbly and optimistic, he can bring up the mood in a room and will encourage people to try new things and chase their dreams. Once inspired, he’ll also becomes compelled to turn dreams, whether his own or another’s, into realities.

His affectionate personality is most likely caused by overcompensation for a lack of physical love by his parents. He has become needy, having a fear of being alone or abandoned. He lacks confidence and sticks close to the people he does feel comfortable with. Insecurity causes constant doubt, as well as the habit of blaming himself, adding shame to the toxic mix of self-doubt and fear.

A giver, not a taker, he has a habit to decline help or refuse to admit he needs it. Add to this the need for affirmation and acceptance, and he ends up being easily manipulated and abused by those who would take advantage.

Oversensitive and aware of this flaw, he recognizes his own sensitivity and inability to cope. This has turned his frustration inward, only decreasing his own self-worth. This has made him an easy target for bullying in the past, being viewed as weak or immature once the tears start to fall.

kind-hearted naive  curiousloyal  cowardly spunkyhumble enthusiastic oversensitivesupportivenervous affectionate    EasygoingImaginitiveEmpathic  whimsicalPatient ScatterbrainedGentleInsecureInnocent                      


Feel like your blossoming is overdue and you realize no one’s gonna give the world to you.

When mommy and daddy love each other very much, they end up with one child, or in Alain’s case, two. While their first pregnancy wasn’t planned, they were nonetheless happy about the prospect of raising a child of their own. They’ve always been straight forward people who wanted the best for their child and future family, so they did what they did best: they researched the best way to be parents.

Now, there’s a few things wrong with their methods. While their intentions started out pure from the very beginning and there is no doubt in Alain’s mind that they do love him, they do not fit his personality. Their problem-solving and to the point behaviour has caused a rift between them and Alain isn’t sure if he’ll ever be able, nor if he’ll ever be willing, to close this rift.

Unlike with his parents, Alain shares a very deep bond with his sister and would walk through fire for her if she needed him to. For his entire life, Rey has been the one constant. She has always been there for him, as he has always been there for her. Alain feels the need to protect his sister from life, their parents and everything else in her way, as no one was ever there to do that for him. She deserves the best life and he’ll do what he can to give her that.

I’m trying to project a sunny disposition, but it’s hard to paint a smile on wasted young ambition.

Childhood was perhaps the easiest part of Alain’s life. What would later on be called ‘queer’, was still very much ‘cute’ in these early days. His parents loved dressing him up for pictures and did not mind the child’s lively personality. He wasn’t as insecure as he would later prove to be, instead rocking the playgrounds with a confident and bright personality.

When his little sister was born, Alain cared for her deeply. As a true big brother he’d spend as much time with her as was allowed, helping mom feed her with the bottle and holding her in his arms until she’d sleep. He vowed to protect her once he knew the dangers of the world, a promise he intends to keep.

While childhood was easy, Alain discovered what being different truly meant during his early and later teens. Bullies found him an easy target and his self-esteem lowered with every comment that was thrown in his direction.

One might say Alain wasn’t alone during this period, as he did have plenty of friends who invited him to hang out. It wasn’t at school where he felt most alone, it was at home. Trying to talk to his parents about the issues he was facing was never met with sympathy, but with their genuine effort to solve the problem. Talk to a doctor, to the teacher, to the parents of these bullies. Find a hobby, stop secluding yourself in your room. Solution after solution, but never what he truly needed: a hug and a ‘you’ll be alright’.

So driven to fit in, he ended up with a girlfriend. She was manipulative at best and made him feel wrong for not being attracted to her in the ways she needed him to be. It was always his fault, she’d always feel like she wasn’t enough. He sunk deeper and deeper, until he hit his own rock bottom.

What his parents do not know is that the medication given to him by his doctors, when his anxiety and depression reached their lowest point at the age of sixteen, caused him to dip his toes in illegal medication when friends suggested it would help him calm down. For a little while, things were good— until they weren’t.

He realized this wasn’t the way to go in time and took a step back to really evaluate his life. He broke things off with the girl and entered his first relationship with a boy. This was supposed to be the point where things would get better, where he would finally learn to accept himself. If only it were true.

‘Just a phase’, his parents called it. ‘Just you. I’m straight,’ the boy would tell him. And Alain let it all happen, because it was all he deserved. He let himself be a dirty secret, didn’t care that the other was ashamed to be with him. After all— who wouldn’t be?

The break-up felt like the worst thing ever, but ended up being his very best decision. Guided by his psychologist to end a toxic relationship, Alain finally learned to pick himself before others at times. He stopped hiding from the world and accepted, again by the psychologist’s suggestion, a job at a local café. It was tough and there were many times where he thought he’d quit, but eventually, the boy ended up opening up. The once so shy and broken boy ended up smiling brightly. Once again, life was looking up.

Leaving behind his teenage years, early adulthood was far easier for Alain. He learned to speak up for himself and found a place he could truly call his own in the small café where he learned to brew coffee and smile at customers who made him want to check out of life early.

During this time, Alain met the people in the Sparkles groupchat, met Angie during work in his café and fell in love with a young man called Miko. Finding more and more friends, Alain was truly living his best life. With Sinnoh being closed to trainers and the like, Pokémon were never truly on his mind. Instead, he worked and saved money for when he’d be able to leave his parental home.

It wasn’t until Sinnoh opened that life threw itself in a new direction once again. Miko moved away and neither of them being able to handle a long-distance relationship, it was time to say goodbye to the boy he had sworn he’d be able for the rest of his life. His parents kept pushing to make something more out of his life, rather than sitting at home and mope. So, eventually he packed his bags, said ‘fuck it’ and became a coördinator.

For about three weeks, until he got mad at some guy he’d call Diablo. But, that’s all in the timeline.

If I can’t make it, then what’s the point?

Alain plays the guitar proficiently, if not expertly, as it has been the one and only hobby he’s practiced for nearly a decade. He owns both a guitar and a ukulele and tends to take the guitar out at least once every other day. He plays in fingerstyle and one of his favourite songs to play is Fly Me to the Moon.

Another way Alain likes to spend his time is either cooking or baking, which he is proficient at as well. When stressed or in a bad mood, he’ll often end up cooking or baking things which he won’t eat, sharing them with friends or neighbours.

Alain is afraid of Malamar, Inkay and heights, with a great discomfort around any Psychic Type Pokémon and any Pokémon with telepathic abilities. He’s also uncomfortable around bigger and/or more scary looking Pokémon.

If my whole damn life is set to disappoint, well I guess there’s nothing left to do but smile.

Re: Alain Bijoux - di okt 19, 2021 6:02 pm

Gender: Female ♀
Age: 21 y/o
Rank: 666

Alain Bijoux BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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