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Start anew - wo apr 07, 2021 9:59 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Yesterday he had reached Sinnoh by boat. Today he was wandering around Canalave City to get used to his new surroundings. Walking next to him was Sisi, the only pokémon he had taken with him on his journey, who was much more of a rare sight here than she had been in Galar.

Finian had bought himself a coffee and sat down on a bench overlooking the coastline. He would dive into his work soon enough, but for now, he needed to battle his tiredness from travelling and get to know the region a little better. Sisi, who never seemed to run out of energy, was running circles around the bench, happily yapping at everyone who passed by.

[For Monika]
Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: Start anew - wo apr 07, 2021 10:19 pm
Monika Devine
Monika Devine

Gender: Female
Age: 18 y.o.

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...
"Peony stop!:" Her voice was shrill on the wind as she ran after her Eevee. The join boy had springtime on his mind and with that freedom? She had no idea but what she knew was that the eevee had started running out of nowhere and now she was stumbling and racing after him. Trying to keep up while holding Anemone in her arms, the poor thing being completely shaken through.

She should have known that that little monster of hers was planning on starting a fight. Peony was a goodbye gift from her parents and she had little time to really bond with him or get to know him well. He had been a scared pup on the boat and since then she had barely left the hotel. Prepping herself for the real world. A fight had not been part of this real world experience. A poor Yamper had been his target. "Peony stop!" She cried out and finally caught the boy picking him up high in the air as his little legs scrambled for the ground. Looking around she quickly noticed who she presumed was the owner of the Yamper. "I'm so terribly sorry!" She called out to him with the two Eevee cradled in her arms.
Re: Start anew - wo apr 07, 2021 10:39 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Peaceful. That's how you could describe today. Although peaceful moments never seemed to last long. It was not his pokémon yapping too loudly at some bypasser. Instead, there was an eevee coming straight for them, a girl not too far behind holding another one, yelling for her pokémon to stop.

Finian had been about to get up to try and prevent anything from happening, but the girl caught up to her eevee just in time to scoop him up and make sure he could not get to the yamper. Nothing had happened yet, but the girl turned to him and started apologizing, the two pokémon still in her arms. He quickly shook his head with a small smile, "You don't have to apologize, nothing happened." His words were quick, hoping she did not feel too bad for what had just happened. "That's one feisty eevee you've got there," he added with a chuckle. Meanwhile, Sisi was trying to take a look at both of the pokémon in her arms, not bothered by what had just happened.  

Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: Start anew - wo apr 07, 2021 11:13 pm
Monika Devine
Monika Devine

Gender: Female
Age: 18 y.o.

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...
Thankfully Peony seemed to calm down a bit in her arms pushed tightly against her chest. Or perhaps he was starting to pass out.. okay maybe holding him so tight wasn't a good idea. She released her grip a tiny bit as the young man spoke and she blushed slightly. Still feeling quite bad about this all. She was supposed to be the best coördinator. How could she be if she couldn't even control her own eevee? "Ehm yeah I haven't had him for long." She replied and slowly got down to her knees, letting Anemone go as she was sure that Anemone would behave friendly. Quickly she placed Peony in her neck and looked back up at him as Anemone started sniffing the Yamper. "She's the friendly one of the two." Monika noted with a small wink looking at the two. "I must say.. I've never seen a Yamper in real life." She smiled and kneeled again letting the dog pokemon sniff her hand. "He's smaller than I expected.." She spoke quietly more to herself but quickly started blushing again. "Not that I'm calling your Yamper small or anything I mean cute I mean. He.she? I'm just impressed." Where have your social interactions gone Monika. Sitting alone in a hotelroom for three days doesn't make you this stupid.
Re: Start anew - wo apr 07, 2021 11:40 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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The eevee seemed to calm down a little in her arms, which was a good thing. It meant that he was not totally wild and unmanageable. Even though Finn told her she did not need to apologize, she still seemed a little flushed about what happened, explaining that she did not have him for long. "I'm sure he'll come around," he assured her. He had seen enough pokémon that had been difficult at first but still managed to bond with their trainers.

The other eevee was let unto the ground to meet Sisi, the girl stating that she was the friendly one of the two. "Back in Galar they're pretty common," he commented when she told him she had never seen a yamper before. He did not want to ask some stranger where she was from straightaway, but it probably was not Galar. She mentioned how the yamper was smaller than she expected, before trying to make sure he could not be offended by what she had just said. Finn laughed, knowing he sometimes made the same awkward comments.

"It's alright. She has small legs, so they're not as big. Her name's Sisi," he shared with a kind voice. Finian showed her a smile, before looking at the two pokémon. It seemed to go a lot better between those two as they were sniffing, before long Sisi was inviting the other to play.  

Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: Start anew - do apr 08, 2021 12:02 am
Monika Devine
Monika Devine

Gender: Female
Age: 18 y.o.

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...
The man replied that he was sure that Peony would come around and she nodded. Relaxing her shoulders as he spoke again. His voice was an easy one and it made her relax, scratching Peony's chin who settled down against her. "You're from Galar?" It was a silly question. Of course he was, how else did he have a partner pokemon like the Yamper. Sisi he called her. Again she smiled and looked at the dog pokemon and Eevee playing by running around eachother. Careful with eachother but definetly enjoying the company.

"Sisi is an adorable name." She replied to him and nodded at Anemone. "That's Anemone and this rascall is Peony." She introduced her pokemon and scratched the young male Eevee again. "Oh and I'm Monika." Not too late to say your own name right? Perhaps before she introduced the pokemon had been better but oh well.
Re: Start anew - di apr 13, 2021 5:37 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

Start anew BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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The girl seemed to relax a little, which caused him to smile. He had been uncomfortable in conversations enough times to know how that felt. Finian let out a chuckle when she asked him if he was from Galar, as his words just now had implied. "I am! I've just arrived here a day ago," he shared. He felt like he looked out of place, but maybe it was not as bad as he thought.

Sisi and the eevee were running around now, enjoying their playtime. Finian looked up from the two pokémon when the girl told him Sisi was an adorable name. His mother had helped him pick that name, meaning he would forever be fond of it as well as the yamper herself. The eevees were called Anemone and Peony. "Those are good names as well," he told her with a friendly nod. "I'm Finian, nice to meet you," he quickly added when she introduced herself.  

Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
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