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[Route 218] Unstoppable - wo apr 07, 2021 11:20 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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It was easy to get distracted in a new region, with so much to explore and uncover. Luckily it did not hurt for Finian to be a little distracted by everything around him. He was a researcher after all. It was their task to study the pokémon around them. Sinnoh gave him a fresh perspective. That, and he did not have to see his father as much anymore.

Having arrived in Canalave City, he was now making his way towards Jubilife City through route 218. Even though he did not know his way around yet, it was hard to miss all the signs pointing towards the big city and it did not take long for him to spot it on the horizon. Sisi was walking beside him, enjoying their trek inland. At the first stranger they encountered the yamper happily sped forward a little, yapping to greet them. "Calm down, Sisi," he called toward her, not knowing what the random bypasser may think of a pokémon running up toward him.

[For Ace]
Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: [Route 218] Unstoppable - zo apr 11, 2021 1:26 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace already explored a lot of Jubilife City while he was staying over in his apartment for the first few weeks, so he knew all the possible ways he could go. He knew he eventually had to go off to other cities because of his work at Crescent Moon, but he liked being on his own and staying in Jubilife City reduced the chances of him meeting other people. He absolutely hated interactions with others and he tried to keep the odds of meeting them as little as possible. That didn’t mean he could avoid it at all and he sighed a little when he saw a Yamper approach him, followed by a trainer who tried to calm his Pokémon down. Igneel, his Houndour, was walking to the left side of Ace and growled a little while he looked at the little dog Pokémon, his eyes narrowed. He trusted others as little as Ace did, so he wasn’t entirely pleased with the attention of the Pokémon on him. ”If you’re aiming at being a trainer, you’re doing a poor job with keeping your Pokémon in check,” Ace said coldly to the boy, who was most likely the owner of the little Yamper. He pocketed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and lifted an eyebrow, waiting for the reply that would with no doubt come along. It always did.
Re: [Route 218] Unstoppable - di apr 13, 2021 5:49 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Sisi clearly needed some more training in keeping her excitement down. Not every person or pokémon enjoyed being approached by someone they did not know. The perfect example presented itself because the houndour next to the young man growled at the approaching yamper.

The white-haired guy seemed to have a similar temper, telling Finian that he was doing a poor job with keeping his pokémon in check. "Sisi, here now," he called, after which she did return, thanks to the multiple warnings she had gotten. Her tail was not wagging anymore, disappointed that the other pokémon had not wanted to play with her.

He turned his gaze to the owner of the houndour. "Excuse me, she was just a little excited to meet someone new, especially in a new environment," he apologized. There was no reason to get into an argument now over something so trivial, although he had felt the small jab at his ego.

Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: [Route 218] Unstoppable - za apr 17, 2021 12:55 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace raised his eyebrow a little and a sigh left his mouth when he saw the disappointed look on the face of the Yamper. He looked at his Houndour and the Pokémon gave a little nod, at which Ace clicked one of his Poké Ball’s off his belt and made it bigger by pressing the button in the middle of the ball, letting out his Elekid. Inpulsa blinked with her eyes and turned her head, seeing the trainer with his Yamper. Her face immediately brightened and the Pokémon ran towards the Yamper, swinging her arms back and forth happily. ”As you can see, I have the same problem,” Ace said coldly, nodding towards his Elekid. ”She does listen to me whenever I engage in battle, but she’s very impulsive when she meets strangers or is in a new environment.” Was this his own cold way to take back the jab he gave at the man’s ego? He was not sure, but he would never admit it if he knew what it was that he did anyway. ”What did you came to do in Sinnoh?” he asked, still keeping his distance and pocketing his hands back in his pockets. He did not like to get socially involved with someone, but he couldn’t ignore people forever and although he would never admit it, there was a small part of him that wanted to have some friends.
Re: [Route 218] Unstoppable - za apr 17, 2021 11:43 pm
Finian Cavanagh
Finian Cavanagh

Gender: Male
Age: 26 Years Old
Rank: 1

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Sisi was disappointed, but Finian knew she should learn that not everyone was in the mood to play all the time. She would be in trouble if she ever ran into an unfriendly pokémon that turned out to be much stronger than her. Today, however, she seemed to be in luck after all. Instead of scolding them a second time, the white-haired guy took out another pokéball and released an elekid. Unlike the houndour, this pokémon did seem happy to play with Sisi, running towards her immediately. She was greeted with more happy yaps, as Sisi made a circle around her.

The young man commented that he had the same problem, to which Finian showed him a knowing smile. While he still sounded a little cold, letting his other pokémon play with Sisi had been a kind gesture. "I think most of us have to deal with a pokémon like that at some point. But the challenge is fun and they're very happy and energetic," he mentioned as he stole a glance at the two pokémon. While Sisi was not perfect, he loved her just as she was.

"I came here to do research. Thought it would be a good opportunity now that everyone's allowed to keep pokémon again around here," he answered the question the stranger had asked him. It would probably be full of people like him right now, all seeking to start a new life here, in one way or another. "What about you?" It was a genuine question, not just because it was proper to ask. He was curious to know.

Finian Cavanagh // 26 Years Old // Researcher // Rank 01
Re: [Route 218] Unstoppable - zo apr 18, 2021 4:59 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

[Route 218] Unstoppable BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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”It most certainly is a challenge alright,” Ace muttered under his breath as he watched his Elekid watching the Yamer happily as she circled around her. She swung her arms back and forth and tried to catch the Yamper’s attention, moving her arm in a certain direction and jumping happily up and down. Ace saw that she was pointing at the water and he rolled his eyes, knowing how much his Elekid like to play in the water. She was a strange creature, that was for sure. He averted his eyes back to the boy when he explained what he came to do in Sinnoh, making it clear to Ace that he was one of those researcher Ace seemed to hear a lot about recently. It wouldn’t be his cup of tea to explore as many of the region as possible, examining Pokémon all over the place, but he guessed he understood why some people were interested in it. ”I see,” was the only thing he said, as he didn’t have many questions to ask about the boy’s job. He looked back from his Pokémon to the boy when he asked the same question, what was to be expected. ”I am a member of Crescent Moon,” he answered the question coldly. ”Mostly I’m patrolling around Jubilife City to keep an eye on things, but sometimes I have to leave the city to go on quests as well.” He only had been out of Jubilife City to catch a Machop for a quest. As he wasn’t the kind of person who looked to explore more of the areas in Sinnoh, he did just fine with patrolling around Jubilife City. ”Do you have a certain goal you want to reach?” he asked the boy. Maybe he wanted to start his own lab or something.
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