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Mission impossible | Ace - vr apr 09, 2021 1:31 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Now he understood why his sibling didn’t want this pokémon. It was too stubborn for her own good. Nestor thought it was a good idea to start their training now, that way they would have at least some experience when they encounter their first wild pokémon or another trainer. There was only one problem. They had been at it for an hour and nothing had happened. Cleo refused to listen.
Nestor made a dummy out of a tree stump to make it more interesting, but it was not enough. His pokémon was looking at him as if he was stupid. “Please?” he begged the pokémon. Begging his own pokémon to listen to him… how had it ever come to this?

Defeated he lowered himself to the ground, his back resting against a tree. “One poison sting, that is all that I ask of you. You’ve done it plenty of times before.” Only those times, she was disagreeing with something and wanted to show the whole world how displeased she was. Of course, she wouldn’t do it when he actually wanted her to do so.
Cleo was standing with her back towards him, eying the sky. He doubted she was even still listening to what he had to say.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Mission impossible | Ace - zo apr 11, 2021 1:37 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace came across many excuses of pathetic trainers while he was staying over in the Sinnoh region, but he had to guess that this was the most stupid of them all. He lifted an eyebrow while he watched the boy have an interaction with his Gligar, although the Pokémon didn’t seem to want to listen to the trainer. If it even was a trainer. Ace had both of his Pokémon out and while Igneel was snorting, Inpulsa was watching closely, a happy grin on her face. Ace pocketed his hands in the side pockets of his jeans and wanted to turn his back to the boy so he could continue his way towards his apartment, but it seemed to be Inpulsa had other plans. The Pokémon ran towards the boy and his Gligar, her arms happily into the air. Ace growled under his breath as he watched his Elekid approaching the boy. She stuck her little thick arm out towards the boy’s leg and patted him softly, a happy sound leaving her mouth. ”Why does she has to be so goddamn social all of the time?” Ace muttered under his breath as he had no choice but to turn around again and approach the boy and his Gligar. ”If your goal is to become the next Champion of Sinnoh, you have a long way to go,” he informed the boy not too friendly. He nodded at the Pokémon. ”What did you do to make you practically beg for her attention anyway?” As his Elekid was showing no intention of leaving the boy behind, he had no other choice than to stay and try to help the boy out. In his own cold, sarcastic way, that is.
Re: Mission impossible | Ace - di apr 13, 2021 4:42 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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The young man was too occupied to notice the pokémon that ran towards him, but Cleo did see them. His Gligar narrowed her eyes at the strange pokémon that was patting Nestor’s leg. Eyes filled with confusion, he looked down at the yellow creature. “Oh, hi there,” he said and instantly his own pokémon started to growl. “Cleo no, don’t be like that.” Of course his words did nothing to stop her from growling, if anything it only made it worse.

It did not take long before he noticed someone walking towards it, probably the owner of this yellow pokémon. The stranger was first to talk and their words made him clench his teeth. Nestor diverted his eyes again and looked back at his pokémon. It was better than looking at the stranger who had just basically insulted him. “Yeah, well, thanks for the heads up,” he mumbled to himself. What was it with him and meeting unfriendly people?
All he could do when he heard the question was shrug. “I don’t know why, but she never listens to me,” Nestor sighed, almost sounding defeated because he didn’t know what else he could try. “She has been like this ever since I got her a few weeks ago.” At first, he thought it was her stubborn personality but now he was starting to doubt that was the case. Maybe she just didn’t like him and if that was the case, then he had no idea how to fix it. If it was even possible.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Mission impossible | Ace - za apr 17, 2021 12:47 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace probeerde zijn mondhoeken naar beneden te houden toen hij de jongen onder zijn adem hoorde mompelen. Hij wist niet zeker of de jongen de confrontatie wilde vermijden of dat hij gewoon geen ruzie wilde zoeken, maar er waren in elk geval geen onaardige dingen uitgewisseld en Ace fronste toen hij naar het probleem van de jongen luisterde. Zijn blik gleed onderzoekend naar de Pokémon voor hem en hij overwoog om zijn Pokédex uit zijn te halen, maar deed dat uiteindelijk toch niet. ”There are two possibilities I can think about,” he said coldly, his eyes averting from the Gligar and back to the boy. ”She’s either too high leveled for you to command or something has happen with her before you got her that makes her not be able to listen to you. Fear can be a powerful thing, especially with Pokémon.” He nodded at the Gligar. ”Where did you get her?” he asked. His Houndour was observing the situation from a safe distance, but Inpulsa wanted to make friends and got closer to the Gligar, giving her a short wave, a smile surrounding her lips.
Re: Mission impossible | Ace - zo apr 18, 2021 6:57 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Nestor slightly tilted his head as he listened to the explanation given to him by this stranger, his eyes sometimes drifting off towards Cleo. “I don’t know,” he eventually said. Too high of a level seemed unlikely and he can’t remember anything bad happening to her either. “My father gave her to me, no, actually to my younger brother but he prefered a different pokémon over her, so we traded,” Nestor quickly explained as his eyes locked onto the interaction between the two pokémon. It was obvious that the elekid only wanted to make friends, but Cleo looked more annoyed than ever. “I am her first trainer. Or second, sortoff.” Right as he said that, Cleo striked at the yellow pokémon, using one of her pincers. “Cleo, behave!” Nestor yelled but the pokémon only started growling at the elekid, or something that resembled a growl.Why did he even try when he knew she would not listen. The only good thing was that she never intended to hurt the elekid, only scare it.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Mission impossible | Ace - di apr 20, 2021 8:33 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace listened closely to what the boy was saying, figuring out pretty easily what was the matter after the boy told him that his brother preferred another Pokémon over his Gligar. ”I think it’s pretty clear what’s the matter here,” he said to the boy, a knowing look in his eyes. ”I think she feels deserted by your brother and has a hard time trusting you because she thinks that you will desert her as well, choosing another Pokémon over her.” It seemed very logical to him that that was what the real problem was. ”As Pokémon do have the same feelings as us humans, fear and anger can be a powerful emotion for your Gligar. I think she needs to start trusting you before you can order her around.” He didn’t look very impressed as his Elekid was almost stung by the pinchers of the Gligar. ”Inpulsa, back off,” he said coldly to his Elekid. ”She doesn’t want to play with you, so don’t even bother.” His Elekid dropped her eyes to the ground and Ace tried to mask a sigh coming up. Why was his Pokémon so damn social anyway? She couldn’t have gotten it from him, that’s for sure. ”It seems like you have a lot to work on,” he stated coldly, looking from the Gligar towards the boy. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to stick around to help the boy, but the least thing he could do, was giving the boy some tips. He was a Crescent Moon-member after all, so it was expected of him that he helped other people, even if he didn't want to do it.
Re: Mission impossible | Ace - do apr 22, 2021 10:38 pm
Nestor Greaves
Nestor Greaves

Gender: Male
Age: 24 years
Rank: Rank 2

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Nestor blinked a few times as he took in every piece of information this stranger gave him. It surprised him, but at the same time it sounded… right. Quickly he looked at his pokémon who was grinning at the Elekid who looked disappointed. As long as she could make people feel bad, she was happy it seemed. “Yeah I guess you’re right,” he said rather quietly. A wave of guilt washed over him at the realisation that Cleo probably felt that she wasn’t Nestor’s first choice either. When he traded pokémon with his little brother, he wasn’t happy with his new pokémon. “They probably know more about our intentions than we - I realize,” he sighed and as he said that, she looked straight at him, her yellow eyes making him uncomfortable.
The stranger told him he still had a long way to go and all he could do was nod because it was the truth. “I hope that she will one day realize that I care about her too and that I am happy to have her.”  Nestor was positive that, in time, she would make a great pokémon.

Excuses are for those who don't want it bad enough

Re: Mission impossible | Ace - zo apr 25, 2021 3:03 pm
Ace Specter
Crescent Moon

Gender: Male
Age: 21 jaar
Rank: 4

Mission impossible | Ace BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Ace was a bit skeptical about the fact that the boy didn’t realize what was wrong until Ace told him. It wasn’t that hard to figure out for Ace what the main reason was why the Gligar didn’t listen to his trainer and he bet a lot of other trainers would’ve figured this out by now. He wasn’t that great with feelings, but at least he understood so much. ”They do,” he confirmed. ”Look at me and my Elekid. It looks to most people like I’m treating her like shit all the time, but she knows how I feel about her. If you are as sincere with your Gligar as you make it out to be, I’m sure she’ll listen to you soon.” It was a hard thing for him to do to be positive for someone else, but it didn’t feel that bad. He did mask that up by speaking his words coldly, because he didn’t want the world to know that deep down he actually cared about others. He just wasn’t so sure of how to show it. His Elekid crossed her arms and sat on the ground as a little child. Ace rolled his eyes and looked back at the back when he spoke his words. ”It’s up to you to make that happen,” he stated coldly. ”There are multiple ways to show your Pokémon you respect and love them and it isn’t just using the right words, but doing the right actions as well.” He hoped he didn’t have to draw a picture to make the boy understand what he meant by that, because if he had to do that, maybe the boy should reconsider if going on an adventure was a good idea for him after all.
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