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Pippa Leighton-Masters - zo mei 22, 2022 2:43 pm
Pippa Leighton-Masters
Pippa Leighton-Masters

Gender: Female
Age: 22 years
Rank: 1

Pippa Leighton-Masters F2abda93bceab22a7d0f0caaa69918ea
I am a dream still dreaming


Pippa Leighton-Masters
Full Name Georgiana Philippa “Pippa” Leighton-Masters
Nicknames Pip, Pippita, Pipsqueak, Princess
Gender Female
Age 22 years
Sexuality Bisexual
Birthdate & place 24th December 1999, Jubilife City
Class Civilian
Professor Professor Hazel
Occupation Rising star xo
Current residence Jubilife City
Height 175cm
Build slim, feminine
Skin colour white
Hair colour blonde with pink colouring at edge
Eye colour pink
Scars none
Tattoos tbd
Dominant hand right

Pippa is an attractive young woman. She is quite tall, standing at 175 cm. Life has blessed her with long legs and curves in the right places. Her long -naturally, yes really- straight blonde hair falls to her waist. She's had bangs for a while now and her hair never looks anything less than perfect. In recent years she’s coloured the tips pink, as it “reflects her aura”. Her pink eyes hold a fascination with absolutely everything around her.

When Pippa walks into a room you’ll know she’s there. She's confident yet cheery, often with a smile or her signature smirk on her face. She moves around fluidly and elegantly, as if she’s gliding through life. Just watching her makes one realise that she’s very comfortable in her own skin. Once she opens her mouth a lovely and pleasing sound comes out. She has a voice so clear, crystals could never.

Voice references can be found here and here yes i really am that girl

Her style can be described as preppy, vintage and a little romantic. She almost exclusively wears unaffordable brands, a telltale sign of how she grew up. Her clothing style is focused on femininity and she prefers to wear skirts and dresses. You'll often see her wearing (jean) jackets, plaid skirts and cardigans with prints. She adores sets, preferring to match her pieces of clothing. She can be a little provocative -especially on stage- and she knows it.

Traits caring – affectionate – perky – spunky – charismatic – flirtatious – creative
Traits determined – quick learner – intelligent – impulsive – stubborn – spoiled – envious
Hobbies cuddly time with her pokémon – making music – drinks – karaoke
Skills singing – piano – guitar – writing songs – style – makeup – studying & finance

”Pippa Leighton-Masters? Yeah I’ve heard of her”

Pippa Leighton-Masters is a well-known name in Sinnoh. Be it for her first name or her last name. Pippa herself is a brand. As quite the dreamer she has big plans for herself. She wants to be an respected actress, a singer large enough to sell out stadiums. Thankfully for her, she has the talent to back up her claims that she’ll get there someday. Pip is a star in the making, with a big social media presence and several acting experiences under her belt. She just hasn’t quite managed to break through yet.

As the alluring woman she is, Pippa easily gathers the attention of people around her and doesn't mind standing in the spotlight at all. She's always wanted to share her talent and loves to entertain people. With her perky and spunky attitude she manages to quickly warm the hearts of those around her. In her more day-to-day life, away from prying eyes, you'll notice how her more caring side and good-hearted nature comes out. She's quite the student, with a thirst for knowledge and to try new things. Any form of adventure is like kryptonite to her.  

Unlike most people, Pippa grew up very privileged and is considered to be part of the upper crust of society. Her life nowadays is a forever battle between her roots and her desire to break free of her elitist and classist family. She's never denied where she comes from but tries to step away from her family's image as much as she can to make it on her own -often very unsuccessfully when people find out who her father is-. Forging her own path in life is extremely important to her and often goes hand in hand with her stubbornness.

Father Edward Leighton-Masters
Mother Octavia Leighton-Masters (née Richards)
Older brother Miles Leighton Masters
Younger sister Penelope Leighton-Masters

Name Betty
Gender & Level Female, Level 10
Type Pippa Leighton-Masters Ice
Obtained Gift from dear old dad

Name James "Jamie"
Gender & Level Male, Level 6
Type Pippa Leighton-Masters Psychic
Obtained Hatched from an egg


Early years
To be born in the Leighton-Masters family means to be surrounded by excessive wealth, elitism and growing up with everything you could possibly desire. The family has been living in Sinnoh for as long as anyone can remember and have roots running deep into the finance sector. CEO, director and banker are titles most of them possess, including grandfathers George and Philip, who Pippa was named after.

Pippa, or rather Georgiana, grew up in a manor house not far outside of Jubilife City. Of course the family didn’t live in the metropolis, that was just a place for work and pleasure. Her father works as a CEO of an investment bank, while mum occupies another noble profession: a researcher. Both parents seemed to find their jobs more important than their children, so little Pippa and her siblings were taken care of by nannies and housekeepers. She has a brother named Miles who is a year older than her -he seemed to be the only one who has escaped the name-curse of the family- and a sister named Penelope who is two years younger.
Childhood years
As was tradition in her family, the girl was sent to a private boarding school close to Sandgem Town as soon as she reached age five. There she would stay until she was eighteen years old and ready to start her life. The fact that she was called Georgiana was something she grew up hating. Thankfully boarding school gave her a chance to go by her second name ‘Philippa’, which made life a little more bearable. It wasn’t particularly interesting, boarding school, but she generally did have a good time.

It was during one of the christmas holidays -which coincidentally falls on her birthday- that she was given the greatest gift of all time: her very own pokémon. An alolan Vulpix she named Betty. Her parents were proud of picture perfect Pippa, their little princess, so they thought she deserved a companion. The boarding school usually didn’t allow pets, but who would say ‘no’ to the Leighton-Masters? Especially with the funding they so generously provided for the school. Besides, it made Pippa very visibly happy to have a little friend. So as long as she behaved, all was well.

When she was just twelve, the Sinnoh region closed down. No more pokémon, at least, for most people. Again, who could say ‘no’ to the Leighton-Masters? They didn’t have many pokémon at home anyways, but the ones they did have, they were able to keep. Including Pippa’s Betty.

Teenage years
Pippa’s teenage years were a ‘little’ more rowdy. Boarding school turned out to be the perfect escape from her strict parents in order to find out who she was. She pursued music, specifically guitar, piano and vocals and started to stray away from her parents’ dreams of her becoming a researcher. Instead she found life in the spotlight way more fascinating. She was in every school play and even tried to form her own rock band. The latter never really got off the ground.

The older she got, the more she was exposed to life outside her little bubble. Pippa took trips to Jubilife city on weekends and during her holidays. It was on those trips that she found some of the freedom she was looking for, as well as the realization that the world wasn’t as picture perfect as she might have believed. Pippa never had anything to worry about, but other people certainly did. Of course, she was not to associate with people from those classes, according to her parents. They were above that. She made sure not to mention her own beliefs at the dinner table, because the times she did she was scolded for them. Yet silencing their daughter’s beliefs only made them grow greater.

Pippa’s social life was, as always, bubbling and exciting. As exciting as it could be however, when you’ve known the kids you hang out with your whole life. Pippa was quite popular, had a boyfriend and many friends to gush about him with. She also had a few acquaintances from Sandgem Town, mostly kids her age that she came across at the local café. She actually liked being around kids her own age who had something other to talk about than ‘all the presents I got for my birthday’ or ‘my housekeeper got fired again’.

Finally, it was time to graduate from high school. Goodbye boarding school and hello adult life. Pippa graduated with flying colours, with a whole list of extracurricular activities to match. Mostly in the art department, but still. It was expected of her to go to university, pursue a noble career or just follow in her family’s footsteps in general. Pippa however, had other plans. Now more than ever she was sure of the fact she wanted to become a shining star. This of course didn’t sit well with Edward and Octavia.

Pippa was ready to conquer the world. And Pippa’s parents were ready for their daughter to follow in their legacy. Before Pippa could take off to pursue her dreams, her parents had gotten into her head about the likeliness of her actually becoming a star. The young woman believed them, after all, her parents only wanted the best for her. Pippa agreed to go try and go to university. While her parents seemed to be under the impression that she was registered to be a trainer at the T&C university, Pip secretly followed the coördinator track. Maybe she could somehow channel her talents this way.

Being in the heart of Jubilife City, away from her parents, did the girl good. She wasn’t particularly interested in academic life, but at least she was pursuing her dreams in a way. Around this time Pippa started dating a man a few years her senior she met at a local restaurant. He was unlike anyone she knew, not from her own social class yet still a perfect gentleman. He lit up her life and she spent less and less time at home.

When Pippa was twenty years old, her parents found out about all the secrets she had kept. To say they were disappointed in their daughter was an understatement. Not only had she gone behind their backs and decided to study something entirely different, she was also dating someone ‘totally unsuitable’ for her. In the wicked way her parents worked, they went behind their daughter’s back to try and get rid of her boyfriend who they believed to be a mere distraction. When he refused the money they offered him to leave, they resorted to other alternatives. Her parents promised Pippa they’d be supportive of her career if she broke things off with her ‘good-for-nothing-boyfriend’. Pippa, always shooting for the stars, broke the boy’s heart when she chose her dreams over him, believing it to be the road to her own happiness. To this day, she regrets the choice she made back then.

Pippa dropped out of university after her break-up and moved back in with her parents. Soon she found out that they wouldn’t be as supportive as she thought they’d be, as they had already lined up several internships at the bank for her. Pippa, enraged with the way her parents had manipulated her, became more convinced than ever that she wanted to make it on her own. Especially when she realized that her parents could have easily pulled some strings to have several auditions lined up for her. The final push came when her brother told her about the deal her parents had made for her former boyfriend. With the help of her eccentric yet snobby grandmother Cece, Pippa left her parents’ home. Cece had always been the one person who was a hundred percent supportive of her granddaughter and any dream she wanted to pursue. She was given a luxury apartment by her nana, according to Cece: “just because she left her parents didn’t mean she had to live life without any comfort in it”.

She didn’t talk to her parents for over a year, still furious by what they had done. They tried co-ercing their daughter into reuniting with them, sending her all kinds of gifts that Pippa usually sent right back. The only gift she kept was a pokémon egg that was sent to her on her birthday by her father. She didn’t have the heart to send the egg back to her parents. A while later, a Galarian Ponyta hatched from it who she named James.

To this day, Pippa is still trying to share her talents with the world. She has a large social media platform she has been building from age eighteen, where she shares insights into her life. She has had several small acting jobs and has been writing songs since she was young. She just hasn’t managed to get her breakthrough moment.. yet.

♡   As a true virtuoso, aside from playing guitar and piano, she also has a lovely -and well-trained- singing voice

♡   She's notorious for posing with a peace-sign in almost every picture she's in

♡  Even though she wears high-end brands she hates logomania. You'll never catch her wearing any item of clothing covered in a brand's logo

♡   Pippa has a big stomach.. No really, she can keep on eating and no one knows where it disappears to
Re: Pippa Leighton-Masters - zo mei 22, 2022 4:31 pm

Gender: Female
Age: 26 y/o
Rank: #10

Pippa Leighton-Masters BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
Hier een quote


Welkom in Sinnoh. Je bent geregistreerd onder ID #252. Je Pokémon staan als volgt geregistreerd in het systeem: Alolan Vulpix #1293 en Galarian Ponyta #1294. Je mag nu je Pokémon PC invullen en je journal klaarmaken voor de reis. Let op! Vergeet niet de juiste Membergroup te joinen onderaan de index of via de navigatiebalk!

Tevens krijg je bij je acceptatie je eerste 5 Pokéballs en je Pokédex.

Onderstaande Pokémon duiken op wanneer jij je in de Friend Safari waagt. Vergeet deze niet in je profiel te verwerken. Bevalt deze Friend Safari je niet? Dan kun je altijd een reroll aanvragen in General Store.

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