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suki suki daisuki - zo apr 18, 2021 6:14 pm
Nian Suyan
Nian Suyan

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Rank: 2

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Na een dag te voet te hebben gereisd was ze eindelijk op een bewoonde plaats terecht gekomen. Eterna City. Nian was in de eerste instantie van plan om gelijk een passend hotel te vinden, zodat ze kon rusten in een luxe bed. Maar de warme lichtjes van het stadje hadden haar toch overgehaald om nog even wakker te blijven. Dus liep ze met grote passen door. Hoewel het al redelijk donker was, waren er nog genoeg mensen op straat. Ogen volgde haar bij elke beweging die ze maakte. Sommige durfde zelfs naar haar te fluiten. De vrouw vond dit soort aandacht helemaal niet erg had ze ondervonden. Sterker nog, ze voedde erop als een parasiet. Onbewust trok ze aan de riem die aan haar Pocketmonster vast zat. De halsband begon steeds strakker rond de nek van haar Absol te zitten tot het begon te kreunen voor lucht. Geschrokken liet ze het lijntje dat hun aan elkaar bonden los. Het witte wezen stortte in elkaar en hapte naar adem. De vrouw keek wat stichting rond. Ze hoopte dat niemand dit gezien had. "Get up, your making a scene." Sneerde ze zachtjes naar het beest toe.
Re: suki suki daisuki - di apr 20, 2021 7:15 pm
Hazel Lockwood
Hazel Lockwood

Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old
Rank: 4

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Hazel begon ondertussen wel een beetje klaar te geraken met heel deze stad. Natuurlijk had ze er goede herinneringen aan zoals haar ontmoetingen met Shiro en het feit dat dit praktisch gezien het beginpunt was geweest van haar reis naar zichzelf ontdekken omdat ze na Shiro en de reacties van Rex een andere kijk begon te hebben op het leven, maar de roodharige wilde vooruit streven in het leven en dat ging niet als ze op één plek bleef rondhangen. En dus had ze zichzelf beloofd dat ze nog één nacht hier zou blijven en dat ze dan zou vertrekken. Ze liet haar blik naar beneden glijden, waar Rex aan haar zijde liep. Ze had de Pokémon vrijwel altijd uit zijn bal, gewoon omdat ze voelde dat het zo hoorde. Haar andere drie Pokémon, waaronder haar pas gevangen Lapras, zaten nog veilig in hun bal. Rex trok haar aandacht door een geluidje te maken en Hazel knikte naar beneden, waarna ze haar goudkleurige kijkers op het meisje voor zich richtte. Ze fronste toen ze zag dat diens Absol moeite had om naar adem te happen en trok haar wenkbrauwen hoog op toen ze hoorde hoe de vrouw reageerde. Als Hazel ergens een hekel aan had, dan was het wel aan mensen die niet met hun Pokémon om konden gaan. Ze ontmoette de al even vastberaden blik van Rex, gaf hem een knikje en liep toen op de dame af. ”What’s the matter?” kon ze het niet laten om naar de vrouw te sneren. ”Can’t bother to care about your Pokémon?” Ze trok haar wenkbrauwen hoog op terwijl ze de vrouw strak aan bleef kijken, Rex met een verbeten trek in zijn gezicht naast haar.
Re: suki suki daisuki - wo apr 21, 2021 5:06 pm
Nian Suyan
Nian Suyan

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Rank: 2

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Much to her annoyance, someone saw the whole thing. And did not hesitate to speak up about it. She had been reprimanded about her conduct before. But never got into serious trouble because of it. She would be the first to admit however, that the frequentness of her cruelty increased when they moved to Sinnoh. Probably because she didn't really have a position in the public eye to upkeep here anymore. So she was less careful about concealing it from others. Nian calmly studied the girl before her. She was a short little thing, with a rather boring color palette. Only rack wasn't anything Nian could scoff about. "Evidently not." A tiny laugh escaped her lips as she spoke. She had heard it all before. And responded the same way each time; with complete indifference. Just like most wrongdoers, she herself did not see the severe nature of her actions. So didn't understand what the big fuss was about. What really got to her though, was the condescending tone that was often used. She didn't like the be lectured by some complete stranger. The sylphlike woman adjusted her pose ever so slightly as she reached for her ponytail and tightend the hairband keeping her luscious locks contained. "But if you will excuse me, I simply must be going now." She yanked on the leash in an attempt to get the creature, who was still laying on the ground. Moving again.
Re: suki suki daisuki - za apr 24, 2021 11:43 pm
Hazel Lockwood
Hazel Lockwood

Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old
Rank: 4

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Hazel snorted. As she could be a little bit arrogant herself from time to time, she knew what kind of girl this was. She was trying to look good and seemed to be very selfish, only thinking about her own needs. She thought she was very attractive by the way she walked and she clearly wasn’t afraid to show a lot of skin. Hazel didn’t know what men would find attractive about this, but whatever. The fact was that she was treating her Pokémon poorly and if that wasn’t a huge turn off for most men, than Hazel didn’t want to get involved with them in the first place. ”Then maybe having a Pokémon in the first place isn’t a good idea when it comes to you,” Hazel sneered, cocking her eyebrow arrogantly. Rex was observing the situation and while most of the time he was happy, he didn’t come across as happy right now. Hazel rolled her eyes as the woman once again seemed to care about her looks and rolled her eyes a little bit more when the woman spoke her words. ”Stop doing that,” she hissed. ”You’re hurting the poor thing. It doesn’t make you look very hot when you do things like that, you know?” She scoffed. ”And it’s an Absol for Arceus’ sake. Most people would love to have a cool Pokémon like that and you just treat it like dirt. What is wrong with you?” She crossed her arms as a look of anger came on her face, her Jangmo-o copying her facial expressions. Because he too didn’t like the way the Absol was treated.

OOC: Sorry voor de eventuele grammaticale fouten! Had echt moeite met zinnen op te bouwen in deze post ;_;
Re: suki suki daisuki - zo apr 25, 2021 5:19 pm
Nian Suyan
Nian Suyan

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Rank: 2

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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It's been a while
I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting
But I'm here now

Nian barely paid any attention to "madame El Gingero" especially when she decided to direct a scolding her way that was so long, Nian was sure that she could travel to hell and back in a shorter time span. No, her focus was now predominantly on her pet. Who got her into this mess in the first place. Why couldn't he just listen, like other Pokémon did. Like her Ponyta for example, she never had any trouble with Helios. Nian groweld and placed her right hand just above her eyebrows. She knew, deep down what the reason was. It wasn't because of the way she treated him. It was because he was stubborn. And hellbent on pestering her. I mean honestly- look at how he is gasping. She had seen school plays with better acting than this. He had to be faking it. The whole idea just fueled the deep rooted urge she had to smack some sense into the being.

Finally, after what felt like hours. She turned her attention once again to the girl. Who, really should learn to keep her fat nose out of other people's business. The slender woman grinned, and wrapped her hand around the leash. So she could exert even more force on the neck of her Absol. "You mentioned you want me to stop doing "that", now i'm guessing you meant this?" With a with a jerk motion she swung her arm backwards. Achilles began to scream loudly. While he was trashing his body back and forth. Like a fish out of water. Nian held the gaze of the girl before her, perhaps a little longer then she should. But finally she relented and loosened her grip. The woman then threw a Pokéball in the air with one hand just to catch it again with the other. She could see that Achilles was desperate to return to his own ball. So this wicked game could end. Nian repeated the trick with the round object a couple of times. Before she allowed the creature to return to it.

After which, she clicked the object back in its place on her belt. "I will have you know, I used to be a super model." The white haired moved a little closer, it was just a few inches. But it was enough to stress the height difference between the two. And it would better demonstrate how down Nian looked on her. On little El Gingero. "So yeah, I know how to get a man rock hard, unlike you. I mean, no offense girl. But have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?" A mocking laugh escaped her mouth. "Of course you haven't, they break every time you pass by one."
Re: suki suki daisuki - di apr 27, 2021 8:25 pm
Hazel Lockwood
Hazel Lockwood

Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old
Rank: 4

suki suki daisuki BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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An alarmed look crossed Rex’s face as the woman started to put more pressure on the leash, making the Absol scream loudly. Hazel grazed her teeth and wanted to slap the woman for doing what she did. Just as she was about to do just that, the woman stopped what she was doing and grabbed a Poké Ball. It was probably the Poké Ball of the Absol and the tendency to grab it out of her hand was very hard to ignore. The woman finally returned the Absol, but Hazel was sure that she would torture him again after the conversation between the two girls was done. ”I don’t get what that has to do with the way you’re treating your Pokémon, but okay, good for you I guess,” Hazel replied dryly, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Rex was looking at the Poké Ball of the Absol with a worried look on his face, but Hazel knew she couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t just take the Pokémon away from the woman as it was her property. Hazel cocked an eyebrow as the woman made advantage of the difference between their heights, but she didn’t falter as the woman moved closer. She kept her golden eyes locked into the blue (?) ones of the woman in front of her. ”No. I’m actually living with myself for more than twenty years, but I’ve never looked at myself,” Hazel replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes as the woman continued to try to humiliate her a bit more. ”I don’t know if walking around the streets looking like a total slut and hurting your Pokémon is something to be proud of, but alright,” she replied dryly. ”And my luck with men is quite fine, thank you for your concern.” Hazel stood a bit taller as she looked at the girl, her arms still crossed in front of her chest. ”Now, is there a point you were trying to make? Because I’m actually starting to get bored.” No, she wouldn’t let this woman get to her. Not a chance.
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