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Alicea Marcelline - ma apr 26, 2021 6:46 pm
Alicea Marcelline
Alicea Marcelline

Gender: Female
Age: 24 Y
Rank: 02

Alicea Marcelline BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Alicea Marcelline D4uoy3u-3b719a8b-e56e-4ecf-973e-1168e72fb3e4.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTA2YzRkYjUtMjU3NS00NGFkLTljNjMtZGU1YzE0N2MzMmFlXC9kNHVveTN1LTNiNzE5YThiLWU1NmUtNGVjZi05NzNlLTExNjhlNzJmYjNlNC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

Gender: Female
Age: 24 Y
Professor: Hazel
Class: Trainer
Height: 1.74cm
Weight: 59kg

Alicea is as angry as her red hairs are bright. She’s a hothead and inpatient and often says whatever comes to mind. She’s a risk taker and manages to hide her fears exceptionally well. She has lots of insecurities and fears but refuses point-black to show them to anyone. She has a growing hate for everything related to the government and looks down on people like members of the Cresent Moon organization. She isn’t a complete blockhead though as she is shown to be capable of waiting and listening when it matters, showing she can be quite sharp. It’s just that she usually doesn’t really care that deeply and prefers to keep her fiery, hit-first-ask-questions-later-mask on.

Alicea Marcelline CharmanderAzulon ♂ (Charmander)
Alicea Marcelline Fire
Obtained in application
Alicea Marcelline

Alicea knew nothing else besides her life in Pastoria City. A quiet town rich with history and lush green forests but followed by decay and financial struggles as the tourists have stopped coming. Here she grew up with all her family members around her. Her two aunts lived next door, her aunt and uncle from her father's side across the street and she and her parents in a modest house near the center of town. She was the most timid and shy of her friends and family and was blessed (or cursed) with a most dull appearance. Black hair, pale complexion, soft green eyes and a voice softer than silk. She liked it that way as people tended to overlook her. The only time she stood up for something were people close to her. She would gladly throw herself under a bus and let people walk all over her, but beware of the poor fool who tried to hurt her friends. Her companion was a bulky Machamp who had been with her since she was born and had grown up with her. In some ways he even was like a big brother for her. He was a huge softy but could crush a car with all four hands if he’d pleased. No child dared bully her with a towering Machamp behind her. Her family and all her relatives were forced to surrender all their Pokémon to the government when the region went into lockdown. They all had gotten their Pokémon from the same source: a breeder who lived in the northern area of the region but had branches all over Sinnoh. All their pokémon had been illegally imported and came from terrible conditions. The breeder sold them to unbeknown customers like Alicea’s family and was single handedly responsible for 25% of the overpopulation of the region. Alicea wept and screamed as they took her best friend away and tried to persuade them to not take him with them for he wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone cause trouble. She later learned that some older kids in the neighbourhood had tipped the government off. The wealthy kind who could afford to pay such outrageous amounts of money that they were permitted to keep their own pokémon and watch on as the peasants had to surrender theirs. Angry at the injustice Alicea stormed off and cried the entire night until her eyes were red and her tears had dried.

It had become crystal clear to her that without her Machamp to protect her she needed to rely on her own strength. She missed him something terrible and decided to honor his memory by becoming a more assertive person. She stopped grieving and started rebelling especially against her parents. The matter took a turn for the worst when shortly after her fifteenth birthday she lost her younger sister. They both had stayed outside until late watching the Golduck and the Psyduck playing in the great lake near Pastoria City. They were stopped by a hooded figure on their way home who swung a large pistol around and threatened to shoot them if they didn’t hand over their belongings. Initially Alicea had been a bit reserved but decided to hand over the little money she had to keep her and her sister safe. Her sister was so nervous that she fumbled around with her bag, panicking when she couldn’t get the money out. The pistol fired when she accidentally dropped the money and had tried to grab it. She fell and the muggler ran in a frantic leaving the money behind, and Alicea was left with her sister’s body in her arms as she bled out on the street. The bulletwound was fatal.

She perputrator was later captured and tried. He had been less than a year older than Alicea at the time. Fourteen and poor as dirt. In an effort to save his sick grandfather he had turned to petty robbery and theft. He cried during the whole trial and persisted that it had been an accident and how the pistol was supposed to have the safety on. Alicea was relentless and felt zero compassion for him. He received a nasty penalty, surprisingly high for his age as he was still a minor. Alicea watched with grim satisfaction as he was carried out of the courtroom kicking and screaming. She even felt a twinge of malicious pleasure when she heard the sick grandfather of the boy had died, thinking to herself that he would now feel the same pain as she did.

From that point on everything had changed. Alicea shook her kind, soft spoken persona for good once she’d witnessed her sister die in her arms. In defiance of her parents, the government and pretty much every rule in place she dyed her hair red and began to wear contact lenses. No more were the days of meek obedience. She wanted to become strong. So strong that no one could ever hurt her or her family again. So strong that she could become champion.

Alicea graduated from high school and dedicated the rest of her young adult life as an activity, lobbying against the ban on pokémon and rebelling against everything she could. Many things went wrong during that time and she even landed in jail a couple of times. Her parents were always worried sick, her uncle told her she was a damned brat and disgraced the good name of her family and her aunts refused to speak to her when she returned home one day. Seeing how much hurt she was causing her family didn’t temper her inner flame a bit. It made it even hotter. She decided to move far away to keep her family away from the troubles she caused. She settled into Hearthome, Jubilife and even at some point in Sunnyshore City. The years would pass and the borders would open again. Sinnoh regained some of its dignity and put restrictions on keeping pokémon. Still as angry as the day they’d taken her Machamp from her, she went to Professor Hazel’s laboratory and received a charmander. His fiery spirit matched her own and that would become her fist step towards becoming champion.

LIANNE • GAIA • #5754
Re: Alicea Marcelline - di apr 27, 2021 11:41 am
Vince Newman
Vince Newman

Gender: Male
Age: 23 y/o
Rank: 3

Alicea Marcelline BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Welkom in Sinnoh

Welkom in Sinnoh. Je bent geregistreerd onder ID #091. Je Pokémon staan als volgt geregistreerd in het systeem: Charmander #227. Je mag nu je Pokémon PC invullen en je journal klaarmaken voor de reis.

Tevens krijg je bij je acceptatie je eerste 5 Pokéballs en je Pokédex.

Onderstaande Pokémon duiken op wanneer jij je in de Friend Safari waagt. Vergeet deze niet in je profiel te verwerken. Bevalt deze Friend Safari je niet? Dan kun je altijd een reroll aanvragen in General Store.

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