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Crawl under my skin - zo mei 02, 2021 10:56 pm
Mindo Pereira
Mindo Pereira

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Rank: 1

Crawl under my skin BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Yeah, dat viel te verwachten. Damn, ze was echt een beetje roestig geworden. Als 14-jarige had ze altijd moeiteloos ieder van zijn bezittingen ontdaan, maar ze was laks geworden. Dat kreeg je als je in een team werkte, dan was er altijd wel iemand om je troep op te ruimen - en bigger fish to fry dan petty theft. Het had haar onoplettend en laks gemaakt, en daar was ze nu de dupe van. Niet helemaal ideaal, want ze was nog maar pas hier aangekomen met Yashu en heel eerlijk was het plan geweest nog even een low profile te houden. Gelukkig had ze laatst een heel duidelijke les geleerd die ze nu ter harte nam - zorg dat je gezicht niet herkenbaar is. Met een zwarte sjaal over de helft van haar gezicht en een donkere capuchon over haar hoofd heen rende ze weg van de twee politie agenten die haar al roepend achtervolgden. Diens growlithe blaften en zorgden ervoor dat vele mensen stopten met waar ze mee bezig waren om te loeren naar de roering die ze had veroorzaakt. Ze had gewoon wat boodschappen gestolen van de markt, kon gebeuren. Helaas waren de politieagenten hier alleen iets meer betrokken dan ze had gedacht, en voordat ze het wist moest ze het wederom op een lopen zetten. Elliot had ze in zijn pokéball gedaan, haar shinx Trasher rende even snel mee als zij. Gelukkig was ze snel, waardoor ze enige afstand had weten te creëren tussen haar en haar twee belagers. Met een scherpe afslag sloeg ze een steegje in en zonder verder te twijfelen sprong ze op een waterleiding die gevaarlijk kreunde, maar haar relatief lichte gewicht nog net hield. Trasher greep ze bij diens nekvel en hees ze in haar capuchon, waar de shinx zich stevig aan vast hield. Zo goed en kwaad als het kon trok ze zich omhoog, van waterleiding naar uitstekende baksteen naar balkon. Net toen ze zich buiten adem op het platte dak had gegooid, hoorde ze de politieagenten de hoek om komen. Ademloos keek ze toe hoe ze de steeg inspecteerde, kennelijk vaststelden dat ze daar niet was, en verder gingen. Met een opgelaten zucht rolde Mindo zich op haar rug en trok de sjaal van haar mond vandaan om adem te halen. Dat maakte de snede die over haar wenkbrauw heen liep en de blauwe plek op haar wang zichtbaar. Nog half buiten adem kriebelde ze haar Shinx over diens bol en staarde naar de blauwe hemel. Hey, op z'n minst had ze wat vers brood te pakken gekregen.

Re: Crawl under my skin - ma mei 03, 2021 7:51 pm
Sasha Medvedev
Sasha Medvedev

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Rank: Rank 1

Crawl under my skin BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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Sasha recognized a chase when he saw one. A hooded figure ran through the streets and disappeared in an alley. The police agents soon followed, their Growlithes barking loudly and they too went into the alley.

“Relax, they are too busy to even notice other people,” Sasha sighed. There was a man sitting with him outside a small cafe. He visibly tensed as soon as he noticed the police. Sasha had to place a hand on the man’s thigh to keep him seated, if he handed the man would’ve run and drawn attention to them. “For all they know we are having a coffee break, nothing more.” His words would mean nothing to this man. It was the man’s first time dealing with this kind of business, Sasha could almost smell it off him. The man was sweating so much that it was disgusting.
Sasha decided he was done with this man and placed a small package on the table. The man followed him but instead placed an envelope containing Sasha’s payment. While the man quickly grabbed his part of the deal and looked around to be certain no one saw it, Sasha calmly grabbed his part and hid it in the inside pocket of his jacket. “Pleasure doing business, you know how to contact me if you need more.”
With that, he stood up and walked away. The police were also finished looking through the alley and were leaving. At this point, Sasha’s curiosity took over and he entered the same alley.

After looking over his shoulder one last time, he calmly entered the alley. He went to lean against the dirty stone wall, pulling one knee up. Mos’ka came to sit beside him, happily looking around. Sasha grabbed a cigarette and lighted it before bringing it to his mouth. “You can come down now,” Sasha said as he breathed out some smoke. To anyone else, it would seem like he was talking to no one, but he knew better. Sasha looked down at his nails in anticipation of a reaction.

"If you can't do good better do bad well"
Re: Crawl under my skin - za mei 08, 2021 2:11 am
Mindo Pereira
Mindo Pereira

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Rank: 1

Crawl under my skin BogusIncredibleBass-size_restricted
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A soft groan escaped her lips as she finally let herself relax a bit. Her breath was unsteady and every moment reminded her of how rusty she had become. Then again, things had been pretty good for a while. She had even had her own apartment for a bit. A tiny, beat up place where you could hear your neighbors take a piss next door, but it was something; and it was her own. Arceus, how she longed to be back there. But no, she had screwed all of that up, pretty much literally. Nothing good seemed to last long in her possession, it seemed. So now she was back to petty theft and catching her breath on rooftops. Her eyes were fixed at the cloudless sky up until Trasher tensed. She raised her a head a bit and looked at her pokémon with a concerned frown. The shinx was looking over the edge, his tail sweeping softly. Immediately on edge she followed her pokémon's gaze, concerned that maybe the cops would have figured out where she had gone, for whatever reason. However, when she looked down, it weren't the cops waiting for her. Even though the stranger in the alley had a dog like pokémon with him aswell, he seemed to be quite the opposite from who were chasing her. With her interest sparked she peered at him over the edge of the flat roof, wondering if it was a coincidence or if he had actually followed her here. The last seemed to ring true. His words were followed by a trail of smoke he blew out from his cigarette. For a moment the girl frowned, for his voice seemed oddly familiar. She couldn't place it, though. "Yeah for sure, so you can rat me out," her tone was sarcastic. Mindo sat down, her feet dangling over the edge. He didn't seem like someone who would actually drag her to the cops, but then again, her judgement of character was apparently not as good as it used to be. That's what had gotten her ass beat in the first place, because she had stolen the wallet of person she shouldn't have. One black eye was more than enough for her. "What's it to you anyway?" normally she would have turned tails, but there was something oddly familiar to him she couldn't quite shake.
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